Saturday, March 24, 2012


PREDIKSI SKOR AREMA VS PERSIPURA - Prediksi skor bola - Prediksi Arema vs PersipuraPrediksi Pertandingan Arema Indonesia vs Persipura Jayapura. Arema Indonesia akan Menjamu Tim Lawannya Persipura Jayapura Malam nanti 25 Maret 2012 di lanjutan Liga Super Indonesia. Baca Prediksi skor Persela Lamongan vs Persiwa Wamena Liga Super Indonesia.

Siapa pun lawan Persipura Pastinya akan minder jika menghadapinya. Maklum materi pemain anak asuh Jacksen F. Tiago itu berkualitas di setiap lini. Apalagi di lini depan yang memadukan duet Boaz Solossa dan Alberto Gonzalves, 16 gol dihasilkan dari kaki dua pemain tersebut.

Boaz mengemas tujuh gol, sedangkan Alberto sudah sembilan gol. Namun, predikat tim predator yang disematkan ke Persipura itu tidak membikin minder penggawa Arema ISL yang menjamu di Stadion Kanjuruhan petang nanti. Meski dari sisi mana pun Arema ISL di bawah Persipura, anak asuh Joko ’Gethuk’ Susilo tersebut sudah memasang strategi untuk menumpulkan ketajaman Persipura.

Karena itu, tidak ada alasan bagi Arema ISL gagal mengamankan tiga poin lawan Persipura nanti.”Apalagi kondisi pemain sedang bagus. Marcio Souza juga sudah nggak ada masalah,” kata asisten pelatih Arema ISL Kuncoro kemarin. Dari sisi prestasi musim ini, jarak dua tim memang sangat jauh. Arema ISL kini masih berada di peringkat 17 di antara 18 kontestan ISL dengan 11 poin hasil dari 2 kali menang, 5 seri, dan 8 kalah. Sementara itu, Persipura berada di peringkat kedua, mengemas 31 poin hasil dari 9 menang, 4 seri, dan 2 kalah.

Namun, Kuncoro tak perlu melihat data klasemen itu lagi. Sebab, dia yakin, fakta di lapanganlah yang akan menentukan hasil akhirnya. Marcio Souza dan kawan-kawan sudah siap untuk membuktikan bahwa Arema ISL juga bisa menaklukkan Persipura. ”Saat lawan Persib lalu, pemain kami juga mampu mengimbangi,” ujar Kuncoro.Hanya, untuk laga kali ini, Arema ISL dipastikan tidak bisa menurunkan stoper tangguhnya, Seme Pierre Patrick, akibat kartu merah yang diterimanya ketika melawan Persib.

Head to head Arema Indonesia vs Persipura Jayapura:
07 Mar 2011 Persipura 6 – 1 Arema (ISL)
06 Feb 2011 Arema 1 – 0 Persipura (ISL)
24 Apr 2010 Persipura 4 – 1 Arema (ISL)
09 Des 2009 Arema 2 – 1 Persipura (ISL)
28 Feb 2009 Arema 0 – 5 Persipura (ISL)

Lima pertandingan terakhir Arema Indonesia:
15 Mar 2012 Persib 2 – 0 Arema (ISL)
11 Mar 2012 Pelita Jaya 2 – 1 Arema (ISL)
19 Feb 2012 Arema 1 – 1 Persija (ISL)
16 Feb 2012 Arema 2 – 0 PSPS Pekanbaru (ISL)
05 Feb 2012 Mitra Kutai Kartanegara 2 – 2 Arema (ISL)

Lima pertandingan terakhir Persipura Jayapura:
12 Mar 2012 Persipura 1 – 1 Persiwa Wamena (ISL)
03 Mar 2012 Persipura 2 – 1 Pelita Jaya (ISL)
27 Feb 2012 Persipura 4 – 0 Persib (ISL)
16 Feb 2012 Adelaide United 3 – 0 Persipura (PLC)
07 Feb 2012 Persija 1 – 0 Persipura (ISL)

Prediksi susunan pemain Arema Indonesia vs Persipura Jayapura:
Arema Indonesia: 31-Achmad Kurniawan, 25-Khusnul, 6-Yohan Ibo, 4-Charis Yulianto, 29-Nurul Maulidi, 9-Arif Ariyanto, 19-Fery Aman Saragih, 16-Kim Yong Hee, 7-Firmansyah, 15-Rodrigo, 14-Boy Jati Asmara.

Persipura Jayapura: 1-Yoo Jae Hoon, 32-Bio Paulin, 4-Ricardo Salampessy, 44-Yohanis Tjo-E, 26-Ortizan Solossa, 21-Yustinus, 15-Gerald Pangkali, 10-Zah Rahan, 13-Ian Kabes, 9-Alberto Goncalves, 86-Boaz Solossa.

Prediksi skor pertandingan Arema Indonesia vs Persipura Jayapura by_KangJayaArema Indonesia 1 – 3 Persipura Jayapura. Pertandingan Arema Indonesia vs Persipura Jayapura disiarkan LIVE di ANTV pada tanggal 25 Maret 2012, pukul 18.30 WIB.

Prediksi Ini Persembahan By Kang-jaya
rating 5

Foto Pacar Baru Luna Maya

Foto Pacar Baru Luna Maya - Digosipkan akhir-akhir ini, setelah juga tersiar berita bahwa Arield dan Luna Maya sudah putus. Inilah yang masih menjadi misteri. Kabar teranyar, sosok yang digosipkan sebagai kekasih atau cowok baru Luna Maya adalah seorang pengusaha kafe di kawasan Kemang Jakarta. oh ya btw habis posting bola gak ke indek2 neh baca juga : Prediksi Juventus vs Inter Milan 26 Maret 2012
Namun kabar tersebut masihlah berupa gosip, sebagaimana berita gosip putusnya hubungan cinta Luna Maya dan Ariel yang juga masih berupa gosip. Karena, tidak ada keterangan atau tanggapan sedikit pun baik langsung dari mulut Ariel maupun Luna Maya terhadap isu ini. Bisa jadi, ini hanya ulah dan kerjaan para pekerja infotaiment untuk mendongkrang populeritas medianya.

So, karena hanya berupa gosip dan baru pada tahap gosip. Maka foto apalagi profil cowok (pria) yang dikabarkan dekat dan bahkan menjadi pacar baru Luna Maya, tidak ada dan belum ada. Demikian Ulasan tentang Foto Pacar Baru Luna Maya

rating 5

Prediksi Juventus vs Inter Milan 26 Maret 2012

Prediksi Juventus vs Inter Milan 26 Maret 2012 - Inilah Prediksi Skor Juventus vs Inter Milan - Berita Bola terbaru dan terlengkap 2012 mengenai Prediksi Skor Bola Juventus vs Inter Milan 26 Maret 2012. Prediksi Juventus vs Inter Milan - Prediksi Bola Juventus antara Inter Milan. Prediksi Skor hasil pertandingan Juventus vs Inter Milan 26 Maret 2012.

Head to Head Juventus vs Inter Milan:

30 Okt 2011 Inter Milan 1 – 2 Juventus (PSA) 19 Agu 2011 Inter Milan 7 – 6 Juventus (UJI) 14 Feb 2011 Juventus 1 – 0 Inter Milan (PSA) 04 Okt 2010 Inter Milan 0 – 0 Juventus (PSA) 17 Apr 2010 Inter Milan 2 – 0 Juventus (PSA)
Lima pertandingan terakhir Juventus:
21 Mar 2012 Juventus 2 – 2 AC Milan (PCI) 18 Mar 2012 Fiorentina 0 – 5 Juventus (PSA) 11 Mar 2012 Genoa 0 – 0 Juventus (PSA) 08 Mar 2012 Bologna 1 – 1 Juventus (PSA) 04 Mar 2012 Juventus 1 – 1 Chievo (PSA)
Lima pertandingan terakhir Inter Milan:
18 Mar 2012 Inter Milan 0 – 0 Atalanta (PSA) 14 Mar 2012 Inter Milan 2 – 1 Olympique de Marseille (PLC) 10 Mar 2012 Chievo 0 - 2 Inter Milan (PSA) 05 Mar 2012 Inter Milan 2 – 2 Catania (PSA) 27 Feb 2012 Napoli 1 – 0 Inter Milan (PSA)
Prediksi susunan pemain Juventus vs Inter Milan:
Juventus: 1-Buffon, 11-De Ceglie, 3-Chiellini, 19-Bonucci, 4-Caceres, 8-Marchisio, 21-Pirlo, 22-Vidal, 14-Vucinic, 32-Matri, 7-Pepe.

Inter Milan: 1-Julio Cesar, 13-Maicon, 6-Lucio, 25-Samuel, 55-Nagatomo, 4-Zanetti, 18-Poli, 19-Cambiasso, 20-Obi, 7-Pazzini, 22-Milito.

Prediksi Skor Pertandingan Juventus Vs Inter Milan
Juventus 1 - 2 Inter Milan

Jadwal Pertandingan Juventus vs Inter Milan
Senin (26/3/2012) dinihari WIB 26 Maret 2012

Bagaimana Pendapat Anda tentang Prediksi Skor Juventus vs Inter Milan 26 Maret 2012 ini
Tuliskan juga prediksi Anda.


rating 5

Cheat LS Lost Saga 25 Maret 2012

Cheat LS Lost Saga 25 Maret 2012 - Postingan Sebelumnya telah saya share tentang CHEAT PB 25 MARET 2012 Nah Kali Ini Ali Bloggers mau bagikan cheat terbaru dari Cheat Lost Saga , nah, kali ini nama cheat nya adalah Cheat Lost Saga LS 25 Maret 2012 Skill No delay + 1 Hit Crusade, yuk mendingan langsung kita cekidot ke TKP !

Cheat Lost Saga 25 Maret 2012 - Cheat LS No Delay Hack + Peso Hack
NoDelay Hack :
1. Cheat ini skill ga abis” NoDelayHack
- Download cheat
- Extract hasil download tadi
- Klik pada scvhost.exe
- Copykan lswebbroker.exe ke folder LS kamu
- Mainkan Lost Saga seperti biasa, cheat akan aktif dengan sendirinya
- Sewaktu di Lobby, tekan F2
- Happy Cheat. Jangan sampe rusuh !

 OKe sekian Mengenai Cheat LS Lost Saga 25 Maret 2012.
rating 5


CHEAT PB 25 MARET 2012 - Kembali Hadir Lagi bersama Ali Bloggers dalam rangka update  CHEAT PB 25 MARET 2012 - CHEAT POINT BLANK 25032012 akan bagikan cheat game pb point blank 25 maret 2012, dan nanti kalau ada, allshare akan bagikan juga cheat lost saga 25 maret 2012.
oke, langsung aja ini dia cheat pb 25 maret 2012.

Cheat Point Blank Update 25 Maret 2012 Wallhack
Author : B2Radex aka Vinz Kaszenda

Greets To :
B2.Net Admin & Co admin
All Team Elite Level 4 dan Level 5
All Team Moderators Level 3 dan Security
All Member B2.Net
Devata Code
Fitur :
+ Liat Di Menunya

Download Cheat PB 25 Maret 2012 Wallhack "WH" Terbaru 25032012

Pass : B2

Demikian CHEAT PB 25 MARET 2012
rating 5

Membuat Tulisan Terbalik di Facebook dan Twitter

Membuat Tulisan Terbalik di Facebook dan Twitter - Berikut Ini adalah Cara Membuat Tulisan Terbalik di Facebook dan Twitter. Cara Membuat Tulisan Terbalik di Facebook - Postingan ini Khusus bagi sobat yang belum tau aje, bagi yang sudah jangan baca. kwkwk..lagian kan sudah banyak  yang bahas tulisan terbalik ini. Sebenarnya tulisan terbalik ini bukan saja untuk Status dan Obrolan Facebook semata, namun bisa di pakai untuk apa saja.

kira2 kalau di facebook, seperti ini nih

oke yang berminat silahkan di coba Pada Kotak di bawah ini

Membuat Tulisan Terbalik

Tulisan Asli:

Tulisan Terbalik:

Edited By alibloggers

Gak Tau cara Share Ke Facebook? Tinggal Copy aja teks terbaliknya ke Facebook, mudah kan?

Demikian Cara Membuat Tulisan Terbalik di Facebook dan Twitter

ʇɐɐɟuɐɯɹǝq ɐƃoɯǝs

rating 5

Prediksi Skor Juventus vs Inter Milan 26 Maret 2012

Prediksi Skor Juventus vs Inter Milan 26 Maret 2012 - Inilah Prediksi Skor Juventus vs Inter Milan - Berita Bola terbaru dan terlengkap 2012 mengenai Prediksi Skor Bola Juventus vs Inter Milan 26 Maret 2012. Prediksi Juventus vs Inter Milan - Prediksi Bola Juventus antara Inter Milan. Prediksi Skor hasil pertandingan Juventus vs Inter Milan 26 Maret 2012.

Head to Head Juventus vs Inter Milan:

30 Okt 2011 Inter Milan 1 – 2 Juventus (PSA) 19 Agu 2011 Inter Milan 7 – 6 Juventus (UJI) 14 Feb 2011 Juventus 1 – 0 Inter Milan (PSA) 04 Okt 2010 Inter Milan 0 – 0 Juventus (PSA) 17 Apr 2010 Inter Milan 2 – 0 Juventus (PSA)
Lima pertandingan terakhir Juventus:
21 Mar 2012 Juventus 2 – 2 AC Milan (PCI) 18 Mar 2012 Fiorentina 0 – 5 Juventus (PSA) 11 Mar 2012 Genoa 0 – 0 Juventus (PSA) 08 Mar 2012 Bologna 1 – 1 Juventus (PSA) 04 Mar 2012 Juventus 1 – 1 Chievo (PSA)
Lima pertandingan terakhir Inter Milan:
18 Mar 2012 Inter Milan 0 – 0 Atalanta (PSA) 14 Mar 2012 Inter Milan 2 – 1 Olympique de Marseille (PLC) 10 Mar 2012 Chievo 0 - 2 Inter Milan (PSA) 05 Mar 2012 Inter Milan 2 – 2 Catania (PSA) 27 Feb 2012 Napoli 1 – 0 Inter Milan (PSA)
Prediksi susunan pemain Juventus vs Inter Milan:
Juventus: 1-Buffon, 11-De Ceglie, 3-Chiellini, 19-Bonucci, 4-Caceres, 8-Marchisio, 21-Pirlo, 22-Vidal, 14-Vucinic, 32-Matri, 7-Pepe.

Inter Milan: 1-Julio Cesar, 13-Maicon, 6-Lucio, 25-Samuel, 55-Nagatomo, 4-Zanetti, 18-Poli, 19-Cambiasso, 20-Obi, 7-Pazzini, 22-Milito.

Prediksi Skor Pertandingan Juventus Vs Inter Milan
Juventus 1 - 2 Inter Milan

Jadwal Pertandingan Juventus vs Inter Milan
Senin (26/3/2012) dinihari WIB 26 Maret 2012

Bagaimana Pendapat Anda tentang Prediksi Skor Juventus vs Inter Milan 26 Maret 2012 ini
Tuliskan juga prediksi Anda.


rating 5

Cara Menghilangkan Blacklist Smadav 8.9 Pro 2012

Cara Menghilangkan Blacklist Smadav 8.9 Pro 2012 - Pada Postingan Sebelumnya saya telah share tentang Download SMADAV Rev 8.9 Pro + Key 2012Smadav memang memiliki beberapa keunggulan yang tidak dimiliki oleh antivirus lainnya. Oleh karena itu, banyak sekali para penguna komputer yang mencari Smadav 8.9 Pro. Namun kini sobat tidak perlu khawatir karena saya punya solusinya. Saya mempunyai trik 
Download SMADAV Rev 8.9 Pro + Key 2012

Cara menghilangkan Blacklist Smadav 8.9 Pro 2012

1.Pastikan Smadav di komputer Anda tidak aktif(Klik kanan pada ikon Smadav di System tray dan klik Exit).

2.Lalu hapus file "PIRΔSYS.DLL" yang ada di "C:\Windows\System32\PIRΔSYS.DLL" Jika sudah tidak ada, lanjut ke langkah ke-3)

3.Klik Start-Run lalu ketik "Regedit" atau tekan logo Windows & R secara bersamaan lalu ketik "Regedit" untuk menjalankan registry editor.

4.Lalu buka HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software -> Microsoft -> Notepad pada registry editor.

5.Kemudian cari "lfPitchΔndFamily", "lfPitchΔndFamily2", dan "lfPitchΔndFamily3", bila sudah ditemukan hapus semua lfPitchΔndFamily.

6.Selanjutnya buka C:\Program Files\Smadav dan klik 2 kali pada file "SMΔRTP.exe" untuk menjalankan Smadav.
Semoga artikel Cara Menghilangkan Blacklist Smadav 8.9 Pro 2012 bisa bermanfaat buat anda semua

Referensi Sumber
rating 5

Download SMADAV Rev 8.9 Pro + Key 2012

Download SMADAV Rev 8.9 Pro + Key 2012 - Download SMADAV Rev 8.9 AntiVirus Portabel Indonesia Terbaru 2012. Kembali Smadav 2012 Rev 8.9 Februari 2012 akhirnya dirilis ke publik setelah disempurnakan dan dites selama sebulan lebih di lab Smadav. Revisi kali ini adalah revisi terbesar yang pernah dilakukan di Smadav. ini adalah versi terbaik Smadav yang pernah ada. Sangat banyak penyempurnaan yang dilakukan, penyempurnaan utamanya adalah pada engine scanner, fitur karantina, proteksi registration key, penanganan error, dan masih banyak lagi Keunggulan dari Smadav Ini. Download SMADAV Rev 8.9 Pro + Key 2012 Gratis di bawah

Download SMADAV Rev 8.9 Pro + Key 2012
Download SMADAV Rev 8.9 Pro + Key 2012
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rating 5


PREDIKSI SKOR AREMA VS PERSIPURA ISL 25 MARET 2012 - Prediksi skor bola - Prediksi Arema vs Persipura. Prediksi Pertandingan Arema Indonesia vs Persipura Jayapura. Arema Indonesia akan Menjamu Tim Lawannya Persipura Jayapura Malam nanti 25 Maret 2012 di lanjutan Liga Super Indonesia. Baca Prediksi skor Persela Lamongan vs Persiwa Wamena Liga Super Indonesia.

Siapa pun lawan Persipura Pastinya akan minder jika menghadapinya. Maklum materi pemain anak asuh Jacksen F. Tiago itu berkualitas di setiap lini. Apalagi di lini depan yang memadukan duet Boaz Solossa dan Alberto Gonzalves, 16 gol dihasilkan dari kaki dua pemain tersebut.

Boaz mengemas tujuh gol, sedangkan Alberto sudah sembilan gol. Namun, predikat tim predator yang disematkan ke Persipura itu tidak membikin minder penggawa Arema ISL yang menjamu di Stadion Kanjuruhan petang nanti. Meski dari sisi mana pun Arema ISL di bawah Persipura, anak asuh Joko ’Gethuk’ Susilo tersebut sudah memasang strategi untuk menumpulkan ketajaman Persipura.

Karena itu, tidak ada alasan bagi Arema ISL gagal mengamankan tiga poin lawan Persipura nanti.”Apalagi kondisi pemain sedang bagus. Marcio Souza juga sudah nggak ada masalah,” kata asisten pelatih Arema ISL Kuncoro kemarin. Dari sisi prestasi musim ini, jarak dua tim memang sangat jauh. Arema ISL kini masih berada di peringkat 17 di antara 18 kontestan ISL dengan 11 poin hasil dari 2 kali menang, 5 seri, dan 8 kalah. Sementara itu, Persipura berada di peringkat kedua, mengemas 31 poin hasil dari 9 menang, 4 seri, dan 2 kalah.

Namun, Kuncoro tak perlu melihat data klasemen itu lagi. Sebab, dia yakin, fakta di lapanganlah yang akan menentukan hasil akhirnya. Marcio Souza dan kawan-kawan sudah siap untuk membuktikan bahwa Arema ISL juga bisa menaklukkan Persipura. ”Saat lawan Persib lalu, pemain kami juga mampu mengimbangi,” ujar Kuncoro.Hanya, untuk laga kali ini, Arema ISL dipastikan tidak bisa menurunkan stoper tangguhnya, Seme Pierre Patrick, akibat kartu merah yang diterimanya ketika melawan Persib.

Head to head Arema Indonesia vs Persipura Jayapura:
07 Mar 2011 Persipura 6 – 1 Arema (ISL)
06 Feb 2011 Arema 1 – 0 Persipura (ISL)
24 Apr 2010 Persipura 4 – 1 Arema (ISL)
09 Des 2009 Arema 2 – 1 Persipura (ISL)
28 Feb 2009 Arema 0 – 5 Persipura (ISL)

Lima pertandingan terakhir Arema Indonesia:
15 Mar 2012 Persib 2 – 0 Arema (ISL)
11 Mar 2012 Pelita Jaya 2 – 1 Arema (ISL)
19 Feb 2012 Arema 1 – 1 Persija (ISL)
16 Feb 2012 Arema 2 – 0 PSPS Pekanbaru (ISL)
05 Feb 2012 Mitra Kutai Kartanegara 2 – 2 Arema (ISL)

Lima pertandingan terakhir Persipura Jayapura:
12 Mar 2012 Persipura 1 – 1 Persiwa Wamena (ISL)
03 Mar 2012 Persipura 2 – 1 Pelita Jaya (ISL)
27 Feb 2012 Persipura 4 – 0 Persib (ISL)
16 Feb 2012 Adelaide United 3 – 0 Persipura (PLC)
07 Feb 2012 Persija 1 – 0 Persipura (ISL)

Prediksi susunan pemain Arema Indonesia vs Persipura Jayapura:
Arema Indonesia: 31-Achmad Kurniawan, 25-Khusnul, 6-Yohan Ibo, 4-Charis Yulianto, 29-Nurul Maulidi, 9-Arif Ariyanto, 19-Fery Aman Saragih, 16-Kim Yong Hee, 7-Firmansyah, 15-Rodrigo, 14-Boy Jati Asmara.

Persipura Jayapura: 1-Yoo Jae Hoon, 32-Bio Paulin, 4-Ricardo Salampessy, 44-Yohanis Tjo-E, 26-Ortizan Solossa, 21-Yustinus, 15-Gerald Pangkali, 10-Zah Rahan, 13-Ian Kabes, 9-Alberto Goncalves, 86-Boaz Solossa.

Prediksi skor pertandingan Arema Indonesia vs Persipura Jayapura by_KangJaya: Arema Indonesia 1 – 3 Persipura Jayapura. Pertandingan Arema Indonesia vs Persipura Jayapura disiarkan LIVE di ANTV pada tanggal 25 Maret 2012, pukul 18.30 WIB.

Prediksi Ini Persembahan By Kang-jaya
rating 5

Setia Band - Grup Musik Baru Garapan Charly

Setia Band - Grup Musik Baru Garapan Charly - Ali BloggersDunia hiburan Indonesia kembali dimeriahkan dengan munculnya grup musik baru besutan Charly dan Pepeng yaitu Setia Band. Musik yang diusung Setia Band bergenre Melayu, karena melayu merupakan karakter Charly.
Setia Band
Yang menarik dari Setia Band adalah posisi penabuh drummer yang diisi seorang cewek cantik bernama Alsa. Dengan hadirnya Alsa, di harapkan Setia Band dapat menyuguhkan hiburan baru bagi masyarakat juga dunia musik Indonesia.

" Ini merupakan suguhan baru bagi penikmat musik, Kita mencoba membuat sesuatu yang berbeda dan fresh, dengan munculnya aku dan Pepeng yang di bantu Alsa diharapkan bisa diterima oleh kalangan masyarakat, " Kata Charly.

Setia Band juga sudah merilis single berjudul " Asmara ". Seperti direncanakan personil setia band, mereka akan segera membuat video klip untuk single terbarunya.


rating 5

Prediksi Skor Persela vs Persiwa 25 Maret 2012

Prediksi Skor Persela vs Persiwa 25 Maret 2012 - Prediksi skor bola - Prediksi Persela Lamongan vs Persiwa Wamena. Prediksi pertandingan Persela Lamongan vs Persiwa Wamena. Persela Lamongan akan Menjamu Tim Lawannya Persiwa Wamena Minggu 25 Maret 2012 Nanti Sore. Tim asuhan Miroslav Janu itu berjanji tetap tampil maksimal. Sebab, satu tekad yang dikibarkan, harus menang.

Kami lebih mempersiapkan tim kami secara matang. Mereka banyak pemain muda yang selalu bermain bagus. Kami tetap harus serius karena kami ingin menang,” kata Janu sesudah uji lapangan kemarin sore. Adapun untuk persiapan tim besutannya, Janu mengaku sudah siap tempur. Kalaupun ada yang disesalkan, itu adalah absennya Gery Setya.

Alasannya, Gery selama ini dinilai sudah padu bermain sebagai striker bersama pasangan duetnya, Mario Costas. Persela dipastikan tidak diperkuat dua pilarnya,yaitu Satoshi Otomo dan Gery. Keduanya mengalami cedera kaki dan hingga kemarin masih menjalani taraf penyembuhan.

Untuk itu, tim berjuluk Laskar Joko Tingkir tersebut dipastikan merotasi pemain. Melihat saat latihan, ada dua pemain yang dipersiapkan untuk mengganti posisi Gery. Yakni Rudy Widodo atau Aris Alfiansyah. ”Kami sudah persiapkan pengganti Gery. Kita lihat besok (hari ini, Red).

Siapa yang paling siap tentu akan kami mainkan. Pada pertandingan melawan Persiwa, kami akan tampil langsung menyerang. Pressure ketat untuk segera mencetak gol,” imbuhnya. Sementara itu, pelatih Persiwa Gomez Oliviera juga tidak merasa gentar meski lima pemainnya absen saat melawan Persela. Alasannya, pemain yang diasuhnya selama ini memiliki semangat yang sama.

Head to Head Persela Lamongan vs Persiwa Wamena:

30 Apr 2011 Persela 5 – 1 Persiwa Wamena (ISL)
31 Okt 2010 Persiwa Wamena 0 – 0 Persela (ISL)
12 Feb 2010 Persela 7 – 2 Persiwa Wamena (ISL)
20 Jan 2010 Persiwa Wamena 5 – 0 Persela (ISL)
07 Feb 2009 Persela 2 – 0 Persiwa Wamena (ISL)

Lima pertandingan terakhir Persela Lamongan:
14 Mar 2012 Pelita Jaya 1 – 0 Persela (ISL)
11 Mar 2012 Persib 1 – 1 Persela (ISL)
28 Feb 2012 Persela 2 – 1 PSMS Medan (ISL)
19 Feb 2012 Persela 3 – 1 PSPS Pekanbaru (ISL)
15 Feb 2012 Persela 2 – 2 Persija (ISL)

Lima pertandingan terakhir Persiwa Wamena:

12 Mar 2012 Persipura 1 – 1 Persiwa Wamena (ISL)
28 Feb 2012 Persiwa Wamena 4 – 2 Pelita Jaya (ISL)
23 Feb 2012 Persiwa Wamena 3 – 0 Persib (ISL)
07 Feb 2012 PSPS Pekanbaru 2 – 0 Persiwa Wamena (ISL)
03 Feb 2012 Persija 1 – 2 Persiwa Wamena (ISL)

Prediksi susunan pemain Persela Lamongan vs Persiwa Wamena:
Persela Lamongan: 1-Choirul Huda, 13-Suroso, 15-Roman Guilen, 5-Taufik Kasrun, 6-Dedi Indra, 11-Satoshi Otomo, 7-Aris Alfiansyah, 44-I Gede Sukadana, 19-Jimmy Suparno, 9-Gherry Setia, 18-Mario Alejandro.

Persiwa Wamena: 20-Galoj Firmansyah, 14-Yesaya Desnam, 4-Kughegbe, 27-Firly Apriansyah, 8-Shibakoya Yuichi, 21-Ricardo Merani, 11-Habel Satya, 15-Isak Konon, 50-Erick Week, 24-Boakay Foday, 10-Pieter Rumaropen.

Prediksi susunan pemain Persela Lamongan vs Persiwa Wamena by_KangJaya: Persela Lamongan 2 – 1 Persiwa Wamena. Pertandingan Persela Lamongan vs Persiwa Wamena disiarkan LIVE di ANTV pada tanggal 25 Maret 2012, pukul 15.30 WIB.

sumber Prediksi
rating 5


CHEAT PB 25 MARET 2012 - CHEAT POINT BLANK 25032012 - Kembali Lagi hadir bersama ALi Bloggers dalam rangka update  CHEAT PB 25 MARET 2012 - CHEAT POINT BLANK 25032012 akan bagikan cheat game pb point blank 25 maret 2012, dan nanti kalau ada, allshare akan bagikan juga cheat lost saga 25 maret 2012.
oke, langsung aja ini dia cheat pb 25 maret 2012.

Cheat Point Blank Update 25 Maret 2012 Wallhack
Author : B2Radex aka Vinz Kaszenda

Greets To :
B2.Net Admin & Co admin
All Team Elite Level 4 dan Level 5
All Team Moderators Level 3 dan Security
All Member B2.Net
Devata Code
Fitur :
+ Liat Di Menunya

Download Cheat PB 25 Maret 2012 Wallhack "WH" Terbaru 25032012

Pass : B2

Demikian CHEAT PB 25 MARET 2012 - CHEAT POINT BLANK 25032012
rating 5

Online shop for beauty care products

online shop for beauty care products title=
Beauty care merchandise aren't simply a luxury however a compulsion currently thus it's terribly necessary to travel for the most effective face shopas these necessities and their quality will never be ignored. Beauty may be a gift of nature that has been given to each individual however enhancing this beauty may be a live that should be taken up personally. temperament of someone depends on lots of things. it's terribly necessary to require care of our assets to replicate the correct temperament.

The pollution is one major reason that results in lots of issues in terms of skin moreover as hair. The wrinkles that develop on the face are definitely owing to increasing age however different factors like polluted surroundings and even stress have equivalent responsibility. The signs of ageing seem within the late 20's and need correct care via anti aging skin merchandise. These skin merchandise are often bought from varied neaten outlets or the most effective face search in line with a personal.

They not solely scale back wrinkles however conjointly avoid the more look of identical. Dark circles are another face connected drawback that may hamper the sweetness of a personal. Eyes typically become puffy owing to improper sleeps and different issues. These look terribly dangerous and create a heavy threat to the sweetness of a girl.

Puffy eye remedycan even be done by the utilization of specific cosmetic merchandise. several cosmetics are gift within the market that may facilitate to urge rid of the dark circles and take away puffiness from the realm below the eyes. These remedial creams are terribly economical and client satisfactory, similar to different cosmetic beauty merchandise.

These merchandise are often availed from varied cosmetic outlets. owing to the very fact that it are often troublesome to seek out the most effective face search within the locality, one will flick thru an outsized kind of totally different anti aging skin merchandise, face care merchandise, hair care merchandise and far additional on-line.

on-line searching is a simple moreover as affective technique to avail varied cosmetic merchandise beneath totally different brands at affordable costs. One will order in bulk or a personal product as per his or her desires. The shipping or the delivery is mostly free. Also, the standard of those merchandise is completely high and satisfactory. Payment strategies are terribly easy and therefore the shipping is completed as soon as potential.

LG P990 Optimus 2x - Harga dan Spesifikasi

LG P990 Optimus 2x - Harga dan SpesifikasiLG Optimus 2x P990 Dual Core & Optimus Black P970 Smartphone Launched in India. The two next generation smartphones from LG are here. Yes, we are talking about the launch of LG Optimus 2X and LG Optimus Black, which got announced in CES 2011. The price of both the devices have been announced and will be available very soon in Indian market.

LG Optimus 2X P990 Technical Specifications

Harga dan Spesifikasi LG P990 Optimus 2x
The LG Optimus 2X is the first dual core smartphone, having 1GHz dual core Nvidia Tegra 2 Processor. The master-piece from LG currently has Android 2.2 Froyo as its OS, but will soon be getting an update to Android 2.3 Gingerbread. The device features a whopping 4 inch capacitive touchscreen, has an 8MP camera, 720p video recording, 8GB internal storage, 512MB RAM and A-GPS support.

The creates an impression in terms of camera. It`s 8MP camera has a resolution of 3264 x 2488 pixels and features a LED flash, Geo-tagging, face and smile detection, touch focus and image stabilization.

The LG Optimus 2X provides you a range of connectivity options with features like 3G, EDGE, GPRS and WiFi. The device comes preloaded with social networking apps, Google apps, YouTube, Adobe Flash etc.

As the handsets go bigger in stature, people tend to check battery backup. Well, you will not be disappointed here as it`s 150mAh battery is capable of providing around 8hours of talk-time.

LG Optimus 2X Price and Availability in India
The LG Optimus 2X is priced Rs 30,000 and will be available very soon in all major mobile outlets

LG Optimus Black P970 Technical Specifications

Like Optimus 2X, Optimus Black does not feature a dual core processor. However, it has something special about its display. It comes with NOVA touchscreen display, which is capable of providing more clarity than any other display even under strong sun light. This technology also ensures that there is 50 % less power consumption.

The LG Optimus Black is also a 4 inch touchscreen device with 2GB internal storage and 512MB RAM. It has GPRS, EDGE, 3G, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity options. The device features a 5MP camera with LED Flash. itulah Informasi Mengenai LG P990 Optimus 2x - Harga dan Spesifikasi

rating 5

Beauty Tips for cheap Beautiful face

Beauty Tips for cheap Beautiful face
American citizens are wholly and completely dependent on the notion of beauty. We live it, breathe it, have surgery for it. looks like to consume a lot of of our lives. obtaining beauty if you're to suppose the massive cosmetic business, are often a extremely expensive and all-consuming endeavor. After all, it would presumably still leave you unfilled and looking out. with reference to everybody has been inflated simply into thinking the sole manner that we will acquire beauty is via buying product, undergoing surgeries, primarily spending for it. There are many beauty tips, but, that aren't just not dear,

however non-invasive and will build us seem fine trying not solely on the outside, but on the within additionally. These beauty tips are pretty easy solutions which might not solely raise our beauty, but during a bit cases improve our pleasure. For the foremost lovely people on the world are those who're self-assured and happy. that's what we have a tendency to all need on balance, isn't it?Getting engaging doesn't primarily ought to originate from one thing that may are available in a bottle. Quite presumably the best beauty tip are going to be to smile. completely nothing is even a lot of engaging and / or participating as compared to obtaining welcomed through anyone with a smile on their face.

Smiling sends a message to the globe of joy and provides the viewer a turning into of delight in addition. Improving ones smile is one space that you just will do for small expenditure in addition. With all of the merchandise obtainable on the marketplace for teeth lightening, making those white teeth, far more white, are often performed during a only a few hours. Bleaching teeth may be a beauty tip that comes at minimal price and with tiny, to no, problems.

What will choose you up way more, and a lot of speedily, compared to lightening that smile during a matter of hours.Yet another beauty tip is obtaining assured. everybody is aware of the lady in highschool, who from all appearance and visual attractiveness, was initially not an excessive amount of a lot of gorgeous compared to any several different lady. It left most folks interested in “what is it touching on her individuals|that folk} feel is therefore beautiful?” the purpose that generated her seem beautiful to people throughout her was initially her confidence. precisely how you carry oneself, precisely how you represent yourself to others, extremely comes with a influence on precisely how they understand you.

having the ability to be snug inside your skin and secure with who you're, is one factor which can build individuals throughout you read you as much more attractive. pleasing beauty tip would be to construct on who you're to be a individual. make certain that you just have individualized aims, and this you're operating toward them. Being nice, not simply around what you're, however additionally what you'll have performed, may be a real beauty enhancer.It's not real that looking out sensible defeats feeling foods, In fact, that declaration is unquestionably an ox-moron, after you are not being fine, it's typically approximately practically unimaginable to seem nice. Whenever you're not turning into well on the inside, it displays over to ones outside image.

It really is often crucial that you just feel nice on the within to possess a engaging visual attractiveness on the skin. with reference to the foremost important beauty tips would be to require the acceptable measures to manage your mental health too as ones actual physical. Keeping your mind wholesome is as imperative that you just your look as keeping your entire body sensible.

Depression, anxiety and stress will all take a number one toll on our image, therefore grabbing the steps to create by yourself happy may be a beauty tip that's simply merely as essential as exercise and dieting.Just about the foremost elementary beauty tips is to do to feel young; feeling young is not merely how of thinking, however is one space that impacts your look. several folks have seen these transformation indicates and precisely what proportion essentially changeing the manner within which you dress will adjust the manner that you just appear.

Keeping ones mind young and staying up along side the most recent designs modish will keep you trying and feeling at ones greatest. don't check in for the notion that your age defines your identiity, how it's doable to operate, or what you most likely will wear. Wear what you're feeling relaxed in, within reason clearly, and don't let society dictate to you your identiity and precisely how you're feeling on the inside,Beauty is one factor that originates from inside, and wonder tips can be learned within the nearly all easy of places.

Feeling nice in relation to yourself are going to be the the bulk of useful and realistic beauty tip on the world. Indeed, no creme, gel, or surgery can cause you to happy after you can never be proud of what you're on the within, and within beauty extraordinarily vital to showing gorgeous on the outside.Free beauty tips and advices to assist you improve the natural beauty in you.

Beauty Tips For Face

1. Drink milk each day - Drinking milk is among the best things that you simply will do as the way to sustain your beauty. after you drink milk every day, you would be delivering your body with the important nutrients to strengthen your hair and bones. except that, it also can create your skin look younger, improve your wellness at the side of the appearance of your eyes.

2. Refrigerate toners and floral waters throughout summer time - Toners and floral water will support you bathe, specially for the period of the hotter months. Therefore, it really is greatest that you maintain them within the refrigerator within the course of the summer months, in order that you will be ready to use them cold. to actually feel refreshed, you'll be able to continuously spray your face with it.

3. Never choose pimples - Having lots of pimples on your face will impact your beauty. Therefore, you do not wish it to multiply. selecting your pimples is if truth be told among the items that may create you've additional of them. this is often attributable to the very fact pricking it might unfold the infection further. except for that, it also can harm your skin tissue round the pimple.

4. Exfoliate your hands every week - Having hands that are soft and sleek would positively add additional for your already beautiful image. To accomplish that, you must exfoliate your hands when per week, with the employment of a natural exfoliating liquid. Use it in light-weight circular movements, thus on gently massage your skin.

5. Fix your yellow nails - Yellow nails isn't a factor that you simply might be proud off. Therefore, if you've got them, you'll be able to simply create use of a homemade whitening tub for it. All you would like to try and do is to combine sufficient lemon juice and rose petals into a bowl of fresh water, and dip your hands into it. when going by means of that approach, apply a moisturizing lotion to reinforce the results.

6. Replace candies and chocolates with contemporary fruits - one amongst several many weaknesses of the many individuals is usually to crave for sweets, which may influence their beauty. Therefore, instead of eating candies, and alternative food things that are full of sugar, you would like to eat contemporary fruits. Foods that have high sugar content will enlarge your pores, except the fact that it will cause you to acquire weight.

7. Have a facial as soon as a month - browsing facial each single month will offer you with a good deal of benefits. a number of which might embrace collagen and elastin recovery, improve the circulation of one's blood vessels, even out your skin color, boost hydration, and boost skin tone. It also can create your skin soft and radiant.

8. Keep your makeup basic and light-weight every day - it's typically greatest to point out individuals your all-natural beauty. you will be ready to attain this by keeping your makeup as basic and light-weight every and each day. after you try this, you'd conjointly stop skin harm, that is one amongst several effects of constructing use of serious makeup on an everyday basis.

9. Using lip balm - Bear in mind that maintaining the condition of your lips also can boost your beauty. To do that, it's continuously finest to hold a lip balm wherever you may go. Lip balm will forestall your lips from drying out. attributable to that, it very is among the best ways in which to avoid or remedy lip chapping. Using the suitable quite lip balm, it also can soften your lips.

10. Be mild together with your skin close to your eyes - The skin beneath your eyes is one amongst the foremost sensitive elements of the body. Therefore, it very is incredibly best that you simply are mild with it. you must not pull or stretch it, providing it'd undoubtedly show, and influence your appearance. With customary pulling and stretching in that portion of your face, it might seem wrinkled or saggy in no time