Thursday, July 19, 2012

6 Benefits of Fasting for the Health

6 Benefits of Fasting for the Health
Fasting is not just religious activities as required of Muslims. Moreover, fasting gives a remarkable effect for improving health.

If accompanied by proper diet (eating complex carbohydrates, protein, fiber and water at dawn and break the fast), you can get the maximum benefit from fasting. Here are six benefits of fasting for health.

1. Fasting helps eliminate harmful toxins in the body. Fasting is often used as a method to detoxify the body naturally. This is because, the condition of the empty stomach during fasting will work optimally when breaking. When the stomach is empty, the absorption of nutrients will run more effectively, thereby reducing the risk of accumulation of food residue or nutrients that did not work perfectly absorbed by the body. So that the body was no longer save the pile of leftover food that could rot.

2. By fasting, the body and digestive system can rest. Thus, the digestive organs such as esophagus, stomach and intestines could work better and maximum when you start eating again.

3. Fasting also helps relieve pain in the joints for the people who suffer from arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. A study showed an association between improvement in arthritis and increased the ability of neutrophil cells in eradicating the bacteria. Neutrophils is an element that is able to neutralize the toxins and bacteria that cause arthritis.

4. Fasting can overcome high blood pressurewithout medical treatment. Fasting  also reduce levels of blood sugar and cholesterol. When fasting, we will automatically eat less foods especially those containing fat, sugar and high cholesterol. This resulted in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar. If accompanied by a diet of healthy food at dawn and breaking fast, the benefits would be more optimal.

5. Reduction in water consumption during fasting, can help overcome the excessive accumulation of fluid in the body. The process of 'drying' will overcome the swelling of the abdomen, legs and knees which commonly experienced.

6. Although not very significant, fasting is also useful for those who want to lose excess weight. By fasting, we will automatically resist the urge to snacking and meal frequency is also reduced. But remember, the process of weight loss will difficult to happen if when breaking you eat more foods high in sugar and calories than vegetables and fruit.

Those are some benefits we will get by fasting. Hopefully this article useful...

5 Important Facts Behind the Benefits of Star Fruit

5 Important Facts Behind the Benefits of Star Fruit

Star fruit is the original from fruit Southeast Asia. The fruit has become one of the popular fruit in the world. In America, star fruit grown in Florida, Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Without having to be processed, starfruit can be eaten raw. It was slightly sweet and sour. So fresh! Here are the important facts behind the star fruit.

1. Kidney Health

Oxalic acid is a natural compound found in a star fruit. Unfortunately, this compound is a common component of kidney stones, then you should avoid excessive consumption of star fruit. People who have poor kidney or renal failure should not eat star fruit, according to nutrition researchers from the University of Hawaii. So, find out the condition of your kidneys before eating star fruit.

2. Vitamin C

Star fruit is a source of vitamin C that can meet 70% of the body needs every day. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that helps boost the immune system and help fight cancer, heart disease, and arthritis.

3. Copper

Copper is needed to make new blood cells in the body. A large star fruit provides about 8% of your daily needs.

4. Fiber

A large star fruit can meet the needs of 4 grams of fiber each day. Star fruit contains fiber which helps digestion, prevents constipation, and prevent colon cancer.

5. Calorie

Star fruit is the low-calorie foods. A large star fruit contains only 40 calories.

That's the five important facts behind the benefits of star fruit. so if you suffer kidney failure, do not try to eat star fruit, it is dangerous for your health.