Sunday, March 25, 2012

How to Cure Acne Naturally

It is frustrating once you have a handsome or stunning face that's hid by acne. Acne is most ordinarily thought of in relation to teens and pre-teens, however, it will strike at any age. you may strive over-the-counter medication remedies with no success. Even prescription medications don't seem to be forever effective or may result in unwanted aspect effects. Fortunately, you'll be able to find out how to cure acne naturally.There are several stuff you will do daily to assist you treat acne. you'll be able to strive topical and oral natural remedies to enhance the condition of your skin. However, any herbal and various product ought to be mentioned together with your doctor initial. Even natural product will cause aspect effects.

product containing Vitamin A and Zinc is notably useful when treating acne.Some natural steps that you simply will use to cure acne won't involve any skin care treatment product in the slightest degree. you may be shocked to find out that one thing as straightforward as drinking lots of water will facilitate to treat acne because it flushes out unhealthy toxins from your skin. laundry your face with plain water or gentle cleansers (for sensitive skin) will facilitate to cure acne. Some acne is that the results of irritation from harsh cleansers and skin care product that are used.

You can typically cure your acne by not laundry your face an excessive amount of. it's a misconception that some folks have of acne being caused by a grimy face. this can be not the case, and in reality, you'll be able to expertise a lot of breakouts if you wash your face too typically. follow laundry your face within the morning and evening (as well as anytime your face gets sweaty).It might sound sort of a broken record however it's essential to eat a healthy diet. Greasy and unhealthy foods may not directly cause acne, however they actually don't facilitate.

A diet crammed with fruits and vegetables that are filled with nutrients will facilitate to enhance the health of your skin. Throw some exercise into the combination whereas you're at it. Exercise improve circulation in your body. because the circulation to your skin improves, your skin can get pleasure from a rise of nutrients.These are some straightforward recommendations on the way to cure acne naturally. they're actually price a strive if you're laid low with a continual drawback with acne.


MISTERI SOSOK WANITA DI API OBOR MONAS - Wew..Sepertinya ini info menarik neh sob saya rasa buat anda, "Apa yang ada diatas tugu Monas? Gambar apa yang terlihat dari lidah api di atas monas itu?"


Misteri Sosok Wanita di Api Obor Monas?  - Relief sejarah Indonesia di Taman Monas, Jakarta. Terlihat sosok Mahapatih Gadjah Mada berada dibarisan terdepan. Gadjah Mada memperingatkan kerajaan diluar kepulauan Nusantara agar tidak menyerang wilayah Nusantara setelah mereka berikrar untuk bersatu menjadi wilayah kepulauan terbesar di dunia. 

Sosok perempuan sedang duduk simpuh dengan gerai rambutnya yang panjang. Rambut atasnya disimpul seperti sanggul kecil. Duduk menghadap langsung ke Istana Negara."

Patung lidah api terbalut emas itu menggambarkan seorang perempuan. Ternyata bukan gambar abstrak lidah api semata.

Terlihat dari sisi sebelah kiri Monas di Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat sebelah utara, dekat dengan Istana Presiden.

Patung bersosok perempuan itu sengaja dibuat dengan sebaik-baiknya agar orang yang melihatnya tidak mengetahuinya secara langsung, begitu hebatnya Bung Karno sebagai penggagas dan juga sang arsitek yang membuatnya.


Jika peradaban manusia mungkin bisa punah, maka paling tidak Indonesia sudah punya peninggalan berupa warisan para pemahat ulung di zaman moderen, pembuatan tahun 2000-an ini. Salah satunya ialah patung penari cantik di Monas, Dewi Pertiwi. Ukiran dan pahatannya sangat halus dan detail. (sources: wikipedia) 

Presiden Soekarno juga sudah mengetahui sosok patung "tak terlihat" ini. Sosok perempuan itu sangat akurat mengarah ke istana Presiden.

Jadi, disaat kita berada di halaman Istana Presiden, patung tersebut paling mudah untuk dikenali.

Sedangkan dari sisi lainnya akan susah untuk dikenali, apalagi jika anda ada di daerah Medan Merdeka Selatan, takkan terlihat – karena Anda hanya melihat punggungnya.

Apa tujuan pembuatan lidah api sebagai simbol semangat yang membara dengan sosok perempuan tersebut? Tiada orang yang tahu persis.

Beberapa orang hanya beranggapan bahwa sosok itu dibuat karena Presiden Soekarno sangat menghormati perempuan.

Atau mungkin juga sang arsitek sengaja membuatnya agar setiap Presiden Indonesia bisa melihat sang "Ratu" atau "Puteri" atau "Dewi " ini ke arah nyala obor diatas monas.


Perancang relief ini mungkin juga bermaksud agar sang wanita layaknya menyemangati pekerjaan berat yang sedang diemban sang Presiden.

Agar presiden tetap terpacu, tidak melunturkan tekadnya, tak mudah menyerah dan semangatnya tetap menyala untuk memakmurkan rakyatnya dan membangun negeri yang besar ini.

Atau bisa jadi juga bermaksud agar setiap Presiden Indonesia merasa akan diawasi oleh sang sosok wanita itu sebagai layaknya Ibu kita, Ibu Negeri, "Ibu Pertiwi".

Apapun alasannya tapi masalah misteri api obor ini masih merupakan suatu misteri.
Hingga kini, banyak kontroversi mengenai siapa sosok itu. Sosok perempuan misterius ini tidak mungkin dibuat "tanpa nama" alias asal berwujud saja.


Relief sosok wanita di Monas (Musium Nasional) 
Apapun kontroversi dan konspirasi tentang masalah ini, namun yang jelas relief sosok perempuan yang terwujud di api obor bagian atas Monas yang berlapis emas tersebut bukanlah isapan jempol..!

Untuk bapak-bapak kita atau orang tua yang berusia 60 tahun keatas, sebagian besar juga pernah mendengar mitos ini.

Namun jangan tak percaya, karena anda juga dapat melihatnya dengan mata kepala sendiri.
Jangan lupa jika sedang berada disekitar Istana Negara, pandanglah ke arah monas pada relief kobaran api obornya, terlihat khan? ^_^


Wujud relief wanita pada obor api diatas Tugu Monumen Nasional (Monas) Jakarta. 

Pandangan terbaik untuk melihat sosok wanita ini adalah jika anda berada dibagian utara tugu ini.


Antara Monas dan Istana Presiden, jika ditarik garis lurus maka akan menjadi garis pandangan terbaik untuk melihat sosok wanita ini, karena sosok wanita tersebut duduk simpuh dan menghadap langsung ke Istana Presiden. (courtesy: Wikimapia & Googlemap) 

Dan hebatnya, jika anda melihatnya secara jarak dekat – misal memakai teropong, relief sosok wanita tersebut justru menjadi semakin tidak jelas dan semakin tak terlihat bahkan lenyap. Hanya terlihat relief api obor?!
Relief tersebut tak terlihat karena sosok tersebut hanya dapat dilihat dari kejauhan, karena jika dari jarak dekat, yang terlihat hanyalah relief ukiran api obor yang berbentuk abstrak.


Lukisan ilustrasi Ratu Pantai Selatan, sang Kanjeng Ratu Nyi Roro Kidul (courtesy: icc.wp) 

Sudut pengelihatan terbaik adalah jika anda berdiri segaris lurus antara tugu Monas dan Istana Presiden yang berada di jalan Merdeka Utara.
Begitu misteriusnya sosok wanita ini bahkan hingga konspirasinya sampai ke arah dunia mistis. Karena bisa jadi sosok itu adalah sosok relief dari Ratu Pantai Selatan, sang Kanjeng Ratu Nyi Roro Kidul

Believe it or not?
Silahkan pergi ke Monas dan lihatlah dengan mata dan kepala anda sendiri. Terlihatkah oleh Anda, bahwa relief api obor tersebut seperti sosok patung seorang wanita sedang duduk simpuh diatas Monas…?


Sumber : Terselubung
rating 5

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta April 2012

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta April 2012 - Kali Ini saya ingin berbagi Informasi Mengenai Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bulan April Khususnya Daerah Jakarta, dan Ini khusus buat anda yang sedang Mencari Informasi Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Bulan April 2012. dan Kali ini PT Tanjung Priok Indah Lines is an expanding Logistics Company preparing to move into our new building and looking for suitable and well qualified persons to fill the following positions:
1. Human Resources Manager – Jakarta Utara

  • Reporting to the General Manager, the Manager (Human Resources) guides and manages the overall provision of Human Resources services, policies and programs for the Company.
  • The Manager (Human Resources) originates and leads Human Resources practices and objectives which will provide an employee-oriented high performance culture and emphasizes empowerment, quality, productivity, high standards and goal attainment as well as the recruitment and ongoing development of a superior workforce.
  • The Manager (Human Resources) is also responsible for the development of processes and metrics that support the achievement of the Company’s business goals besides assisting and advising Company managers about Human Resources issues.


  • Minimum requirement is a University degree preferably specialising in Personnel Management.
  • Age range: 30 to 45 years old.
  • Minimum of 5 years work experience in Human Resources in a Supervisory or Managerial position.
  • Good knowledge of local labour laws, its interpretation and applicability in different environments.
  • Must have excellent people management skills and have proven capability and drive.
  • A pleasant personality, highly approachable, loves challenges and quick in resolving problems.
  • Computer literate.
  • Preference will be given to those with managerial experience in the area of Human Resource Management or Personnel Management.
  • Ability to speak and write good English and/or Mandarin will be a plus.
2. Operations Manager – Jakarta Utara 

  • Reporting to the Branch Manager, the Manager (Operations) shall manage and oversee the Ocean Freight Operations Team and ensure that good customer service is rendered to all customers.
  • He shall be responsible for all consolidation operations including stowage handling, container load planning and compliance with all standard operating procedures as well as regulations of port, customs, health and sanitary. He shall be required to ensure cost-effective handling of all goods movements and be responsible for all profit and loss calculations. He will also ensure timely completion of all operations issue.
  • Minimum Diploma with at least 5 years of working experience in Ocean Freight Forwarding Industry.
  • Age range: 30 to 40 years old.
  • At least 3 years in a Managerial position in an established NVOCC or Consolidator.
  • Conversant with all relevant Customs and Health regulations and practices relating to clearance of goods for import and export.
  • Good working knowledge of pricing and cost management in forwarding operations.
  • Good knowledge of all aspects of LCL operations, safe handling of goods and procedures for claims of damage and/or loss at hub port or final destination.
  • Good working relationship and connection with carriers.
  • Preferably with certification by Customs.
  • Proficient in MS Office.
  • Ability to speak and write English and/or Mandarin will be a plus.

3. Ocean Freight Manager – Jakarta Utara

  • Reporting to the Branch Manager, the Manager (Ocean Freight) ensures efficient planning, direction and coordination of the activities of all employees engaged in the movement of freight into or out of the area of responsibility of the Branch.
  • He shall ensure continuous improvement in customer service through clear communication of customer expectations and shall manage the implementation of cost-effective operations and customer service practices.
  • He will encourage open dialogue with all operations and marketing staff and with Management to plan strategies and tactics to achieve objectives and targets.
  • He will have strong leadership qualities to motivate, guide and train staff to form a cohesive results oriented team.
  • A University degree preferably majoring in Marketing, Management or Business Administration.
  • Minimum of 5 years experience as a Manager in a Freight Forwarding/Logistics company.
  • Age range: 28 to 45 years old
  • A good understanding of Freight and Logistics requirements and practices.
  • Excellent working relationship with carriers.
  • A good pool of customer contacts and support.
  • Strong leadership qualities, good team builder and motivator and communicates well with all levels.
  • Must be cost conscious and profit oriented.
  • Must be computer literate.
  • Preference will be given to those with managerial experience in the area of freight marketing in a shipping, freight forwarding or logistics environment.
  • Ability to speak and write good English and/or Mandarin is a plus.
4. Property Officer – Jakarta Utara

  • Reporting to the Manager (Finance), the Property Officer is responsible for the proper upkeep, cleanliness and maintenance of the Company’s premises, residences and fixed assets both within and without.
  • He shall ensure that all facilities within and/or attached to the Company’s premises and residences are in good and efficient working order and shall ensure that due servicing, maintenance and repairs are promptly carried out without exception.
  • The Property Officer shall also ensure that the grounds around the Company’s premises and residences are well groomed and traffic lanes, parking lots as well as traffic signs are clearly drawn out and appropriately placed.
  • He shall ensure compliance with all building regulations and ensure that all necessary certificates are in order and current.
  • He will maintain proper records of all issues relating to the Company’s premises, residences and fixed assets.
  • He shall also provide weekly and monthly reports on the status of the Company’s premises, residences and fixed assets and the maintenance and repairs to all equipment and facilities including furniture and fittings.


  • A University degree specialising in Property Management or Business Administration or Finance.
  • Age range: 25 to 40 years old.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Strong ability to interact with occupants of the Company’s premises and residents.
  • Must be a hands-on person, pro-active, have good initiative and able to look at different ways to solve problems and address difficulties.
  • Should be able to demonstrate confidence and maintain professionalism with all levels within and external to the organisation.
  • Must be able to work effectively within a variety of situations, individuals and groups applying the “whatever it takes” attitude.
  • Must be computer literate.
  • Preference will be given to those with experience in property management.
  • Ability to speak and write good English and/or Mandarin will be a plus.
5. Accounts Assistants – Jakarta Utara

  • Reporting to the Accounts Supervisor, you will be part of a team either in the Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable section. You will demonstrate a good understanding of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable functions and be able to contribute to the efficiency and success of the team. You will carry out all allocated tasks promptly and complete them within the time line set.
  • Minimum Diploma majoring in Accounts or Finance. Preference will be given to those with a University degree majoring in Accounts or Finance.
  • Age range: 21 to 26 years old.
  • Must be neat, tidy and with a head for figures.
  • Must be computer literate.
  • Must be a good team player and be willing to learn.
  • Preference will be given to those with working experience in an Accounts environment.
  • Ability to speak and write good English and/or Mandarin will be a plus.
For above positions only written applications will be considered. Written application with a recent CV, copies of all relevant education and employment certificates, a passport size photograph and a cover letter is to be submitted to:
Jl R E Martadinata No 10 Blok B No T 
Jakarta Utara 14430 
Pada Ngerti kan Penjelasan Diatas? kalau tidak translet aja, dan Sekian ulasan Tentang Lowongan Kerja Jakarta April 2012 semoga Bermanfaat Buat Anda Semua.

rating 5

CHEAT PB 26 Maret 2012 - POINT BLANK 26032012

CHEAT PB 26 Maret 2012 - POINT BLANK 26032012 - Sekarang Saya akan Update Cheat Point Blank PB 26 Maret 2012 . silahkan lihat + download Cheat PB 26 Maret 2012 update Cheat Point Blank Fullhack + Wallhack 26032012 dibawah ini

Cheat PB 26 Maret 2012 - Cheat Point Blank Fullhack + Wallhack 26032012 Terbaru
Fitur Hot New
Setting Fullhack

* 2 hit
* Auto headshot 100%
* Damage ALL weapon]
* Damage SG
* 1 Hit AWP
* Set Speed Run
* Invisble Time Kill
* Anti Vote

Setting Wallhack Full

* WH Tero
* Wh Chams
* WH Robot
* Wh Clean
* Di No Wallhack
* Full brigt
* No SMoke

Setting Full Esp

* Esp Name
* Esp Box
* Esp Distance
* Esp Darah
* Esp Line

Fitur Auto On :

* Anti program Ilegal
* Anti Frezz

Keterangan :
Kalau menggunakan ESP on kan di dalam room Sebelum play!
Gunakan dengan bijak!

* Buka PB launcher
* Buka Cheat
* Start
* Happy Cheating dah,,

Insert : On/Off menu
Arah panah kanan : ON
Arah panah kiri : Off

NB :
[-]Kalau BT coba gunakan metode Flashdisk
[-]Harus install Net Framework danVcredist_x86
[-]Download D3DX9_38.dll
[-]Sebelum menggunakan cheat sebaiknya scan dulu gan
[-]Ane Gak Tanggung jawab kalo terjadi apa-apa ama akun anda

Cheat Point Blank 26 Maret 2012 Fullhack + Wallhack Update Point Blank

Demikian Penjelasan Tentang CHEAT PB 26 Maret 2012 - POINT BLANK 26032012.

rating 5

Beautiful Face And Free From Acne That Appears

Keeping Acne and other Skin Problems AwayWhen you are a teenager, dealing with acne is just part of life. Knowing that we are not alone in our acne issues can help dealing them easier when we are teenagers, no matter how embarrassed we are by our "pizza faces". Adults are not supposed to face the same severe acne that teenagers deal with. It is partly because of this belief that so many adults are thrown for a loop when the random zit or pimple makes an appearance on their faces. Waking up to find some spots or bumps sends us right back into our teenage angst. Adult acne is often very painful, which is another reason so many adults dread breaking out. Here are some things you can do to fight acne (no matter how old you are).
Are you regularly getting all of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that you need to stay healthy? It might sound odd, but some peoples' bodies react to an imbalance in diet by breaking out. Acne is sometimes a sign that you are not getting the right vitamins and minerals that you need. Some people find that simply taking a multi-vitamin is all they need to correct this issue. The multi-vitamin won't take care of all of your nutritional needs but it can help you make up for some of the areas in which you are lacking. If you are malnutritioned, your body is making a bunch of extra sebum which is getting into your pores and clogging them which causes breakouts-this is why many people think acne is a sign of bigger health issues. So make sure that you are eating the right foods and getting enough vitamins and nutrients.

Maybe you need a dermatologist's advice. Some adults are cursed with acne that does not respond to "regular" cleansers and treatments. If nothing in the store is doing the trick, then you might need a qualified professional to help you treat your acne and breakouts. A dermatologist will be able to give you prescription strength acne fighting products. You might be one of those people whose acne is caused by other medical conditions and a dermatologist will be able to properly diagnose this. Some acne issues are the result of genetics or other health conditions. Your dermatologist or physician will know how best to fight your acne and breakouts if they are being caused by something besides dirt and bacteria in your pores.

Clean your face a minimum of two times each day. We can even get clogged pores in our sleep. You should have a cleaning routine for your skin that you do in the morning and at night. Most people find that a quick wash in the mornings is all they need while the evenings require a higher level of attention and care. You'll send that acne packing! Since when do zits require treatment from super expensive creams and cleansers? The best way to stay acne free is to simply keep your face clean. Go easy on your face so that you don't damage the sensitive skin there!

Beauty with Natural Face Moisturizer

Beauty with Natural Face Moisturizer
What are the secrets of a healthy skin? In this article you'll discover how to step up your skin care regimen to get a skin that glows.Our skin is a fingerprint of what's going on inside the body. This is why nutrition and detoxification beat cosmetics hands down. Here are seven tips to nourish and protect your skin naturally:Sauna. This centuries old ritual detoxifies the body and increases blood flow to the skin. As a result - and this is important - your subcutaneous and surface tissue gets more nutrients so the quality of your skin gradually improves.Carotenoids. Dull and pale skin in the winter? The easiest thing you can do is to consume fruits and vegetables rich in carotenoids.

A recent UK study led by Dr Ian Stephen revealed that these substances give skin a natural healthy color and golden glow. "We found that, given the choice between skin colour caused by suntan and skin colour caused by carotenoids, people preferred the carotenoid skin colour," explains Dr Ian Stephen. Carotenoids can be found in carrots, tomatoes and spinach.Water.

Drinking adequate amounts of purified water is essential for optimum skin health. Chronic dehydration will make your skin look older and less smooth.Vitamins C and E. Our skin reacts well to certain vitamins. For example, vitamin C protects fibers that support skin structure - elastin and collagen - by reducing free radical damage. Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant that protects you from damage caused by sun exposure. Both vitamins are present in fruits and vegetables.

Omega-3 fatty acids.

Essential fatty acids reduce inflammation and allergy-related eczema. Omega-3s can also be used to keep your skin moist and flexible.

Silica and zinc.

Both silica and zinc are vital for the maintenance of youthful and healthy skin. Silica deficiency may lead to reduced skin elasticity and promote wrinkles. Zinc is essential for skin regeneration and oil content control. You can find these trace minerals in pumpkin seeds and shellfish (zinc) or green beans, cucumber and strawberries (silica).

Most people need seven to eight hours a night. Allowing adequate time for sleep will improve bags and tired eyes.Our nutrition and lifestyle are the keys to healthy looking skin. Focus on creating health from the inside out and you'll soon achieve youthful, smooth and healthy skin.

Losing weight by high fiber foods

Most effective way to lose weight is to control hunger. Eating a lot of healthy high-fiber foods can control your hunger. Generally fibers cannot be digested by human digestive system. That is why it remains in our stomach for a longer period. Our stomach remains full and we do not overeat. When a food is undergone processing, it loses almost all the fibers it contain. So white bread and boiled rice are not good for us. Instead we can take brown rice and whole grain bread.  Sometimes it is seen that people are having the same amount of foods but they’re not gaining or losing same amount of weight. It’s because of the different amount of fibers in their diet. This is how fibers help to lose weight. When foods containing less fiber or very low fibers are taken, they tend to convert into blood sugar. It can definitely cause a spike in the insulin level.

Fiber is the part of plant-based foods that our bodies can't digest. Mainly fibers are plant based products. These elements do not provide any vitamin or minerals to our body but yet they are very useful. Meat and dairy products are useful but they contain no fiber so these should be taken in a careful manner. Refined grains (white bread, rice etc.) have most of their fiber eliminated. Eat more whole grain and natural foods. Try to avoid processed foods. Some good examples of good fiber containing foods are fruits and vegetables, legumes, brown rice and whole grains.  

Eating a regular breakfast full of fibers can help you to lose weight. According to the National Weight Control Registry, people who kept their weight in control are the regularity maintainer in breakfast. Eating a lot of fibers in your breakfast can help to keep you away from hunger and control your eating habit greatly.

Eating foods with plenty of fiber will help keep our blood sugar controlled. As it is seen that there is sudden rise in insulin level there must be a drop also. And this drop of insulin level makes us hungry. This hunger influences us to have foods containing more sugar. So it will be great to consume limited amount of fiber containing foods daily.

When having a lot of fibers it should be kept in mind that plenty of water should be drunk. Rapid consumption of fibers can cause diarrhea or can form gas.