To acquire a healthy and beautiful skin an internal glow is very important to have it externally on the face. The secret to internal glow is nothing but nutritious food, and these will make you shine as well as would keep healthy and fit. Such types of foods are as follows:
Lean protein: Protein is an essential component needed for the cell repair and helps to keep weight gain under check. Fatty fish is the best source of lean protein available. On the other hand to possess a shiny glowing skin salmon, mackerel sardines and pilchards play a vital role as they contain high amount of healthy fatty acids. Cell membrane can also be kept healthy with omega-3s, which is an essential fatty acid, and this fatty acid also facilitates reduction of inflammatory agents produced by the body. These agents harm the skin by causing damage to it.
Healthy Fats: To maintain the youth or to keep it preserved antioxidants are required and fats and oils provide these. Fats and oils also aid anti-inflammatory protection. Other rich sources of healthy fats are mono and polyunsaturated fats such as walnuts, avocado, olive oils, olives, and almonds. Omega-3s that is an essential fatty acid is also found in good quantity in ground flaxseeds.
Low GI carbohydrates: carbs get concentrated in the body but it is required to maintain a healthy balance so one should always opt for minimal amount of it. Cereals, wholegrain breads made up of oats is forms a healthy as well as low GI option. Whole-wheat pasta and quinoa, barley and bran are also good substitutes available. Fruits like raspberries strawberries etc and vegetables such as tomatoes, broccoli and peppers are coated with high antioxidants that can damage the skin as it aim at free radicals.
The youthfulness of the skin can be retained only if it is protected from any sort of damage. Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A as well as of antioxidants, and one should consume good amount of it to increase the level of vitamin-A in the body as it provides healthy skin. If its intake is low healthy skin avoids you. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry skin as it is very essential for evolving and maintaining skin cells, hence its intake is very important. Sweet potato, peppers and broccoli are also well fitted in the category of good sources of vitamin-A. Other vitamins that can improvise skin condition are vitamin C, E, K and B and these vitamins are available in various fruits and vegetables.
Green Tea: It consists of plenty of antioxidants that work towards reduction of inflammation and also provides protection to the cell membranes. Skin gets badly damaged by sunburns and at times overexposure of skin to harmful UV rays can cause severe damage and it may also develop risks of skin cancer in some cases. thus the antioxidants can subside such risks and protect the skin from damage as it flush out cancer causing free radicals.
Water: it is the best source to keep the skin hydrated and devoid of all toxins and it also helps to keep your skin chubby. Water is of no use if had with sugar laden beverages, it should be 100% pure, clean and free from all germs to keep refreshing the skin cells. Healthy and hydrated skin cells exclude the toxin material and increase the nutrients level of the skin.
In a nutshell: in order to possess a fresh looking healthy skin one must elude high intake of sugar, fried foods, alcohol and white flour.
A healthy diet is a crux to a beautiful young looking skin !
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